
Where To Put Your Money Before The Market Crashes 2017

This year established stock markets have continued to soar to new record highs or thereabouts - stretching valuations as they tick higher.

But history teaches us that bull runs never last forever and eventually markets will plunge into a bear territory, or even worse face a full-on crash.

When exactly this will happen is anyone's guess, so unless you have a fully functioning crystal ball, having a contingency plan is good practice.

This Plan B is the thing that will support you when it feels as if the bad days just won't stop coming. Here, we explore how you can shield your portfolio against devastating financial losses.

Many investors don't have a plan B and are guilty of holding on to waning stocks

What a contingency plan looks like

Warren Buffett's first rule of investing is not to lose money, although this is something that is particularly difficult to achieve.

The second best tactic is to protect yourself as much as possible. Therefore, while investors continue to revel in the eight-year bull market - the second strongest in history - it's important to have a plan B built in for if it all comes crashing down.

Stock market valuations in the US, in particular, are almost as high now as at any time in the last 300 years, according to Brian Dennehy, managing director of investment research firm Fund Expert.

He adds that history suggests the downside from here could be more than 50 per cent.

Your contingency plan can be the thing that you turn to when you are worried that markets are falling - such as an instruction not to panic and sell out when prices are low - but it is better to incorporate it into your actual investing strategy.

We look at how to do that below.

How to protect against losses

Stop-losses can be a useful part of a wider plan B strategy. They trigger the sale of a fund or stock once it falls below a predetermined level - so you essentially stop the loss from getting any bigger.

Dennehy said: 'Valuations are far from fine-tuning tools, and can be a very costly distraction. The knowledge that you have stop-losses can give you the confidence to invest, and stay invested, despite apparent over-valuation – you don't become obsessed with, and distracted by, valuations.'

Many brokers allow you to set up a stop-loss order for a fee.

If you create a 10 per cent order after purchasing Apple at $200 per share, for example, that means your shares will be sold at the prevailing market rate once the share price dips below $180.

So there is no guarantee that your stop-loss order will be executed, even if the share price reaches the stop price you have set.

This is because share prices can change in seconds and if a share price has moved by the time your broker attempts to place your deal, it may not be executed at the price you have set, or at all.

There is no hard and fast rule on what level stops should be placed, however, you should think twice before setting a low level stop lose in fast moving market conditions.

What's more, it's ill-advised to set, for example, a seven per cent stop-loss on a stock with a history of fluctuating by 15 per cent. Doing so is likely to cost a pretty penny in order execution costs levied by the broker.

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The key is to pick a level that provides ample berth for stocks to fluctuate, and limits as much downside risk as possible.

While there is no perfect answer, the most effective stop-loss method was selling on a 10 per cent fall, in Dennehy's experience.

'Selling with a 5 per cent fall continually whip-saws you in an out of markets – this is costly and not recommended,' he said.

'If you applied the above stop-loss idea to the UK index (the FTSE 100 index) it hurt performance, which is what we would expect. Typically there is a price for a stop-loss – you achieve less volatility, but at the price of less growth.'

Are markets too expensive?

The US stock market as measured by the CAPE or Shiller PE ratio: It has only been higher at the peak of the dot com and 1920s booms

There are various ways of measuring how expensive markets or individual shares are - referred to as valuations.

Popular ones include price-to-earnings, price-to-book and the cyclically adjusted price to earnings, known as CAPE or Shiller PE

CAPE looks at company earnings compared to share prices over the long term, typically ten years, and is designed to smooth out the economic cycle.

You can find individual market CAPE data around the world at the StarCapital website here.

Comparing CAPE ratios to the long-term median, maximum and minimum is a guide to value.

At the moment the US market is at 29, compared to a median of 16 and maximum of 44. It was only higher in the 1920s and dot com booms.

Stop-losses trigger the sale of a fund or stock once it falls below a predetermined level

Diversification is key

Hedging your bets through diversification is also a key component of a contingency plan - so long as you don't go overboard, according to Holly MacKay, chief executive officer and investment expert of Boring Money.

She said a portfolio comprising of between 12 and 15 funds investing across different asset classes will see most people right. Anything more and you risk the cost of holding the funds having a significant dent on your investment returns.

MacKay added: 'I tend to use active funds for those markets which are less well-researched than the massive US and UK markets, for example emerging markets, or sector specialist funds, or funds that show conviction and select fewer shares and that don't just hug an index.

'But if you're holding a large generalist fund in a mature market, which has been underperforming the index for a few years, it's probably time to re-allocate to either a passive fund or an active fund which earns its crust, unless there's a very good reason to hold on.'

While shares and funds invested in them offer the potential for higher growth, traditionally they also carry more risk of suffering a fall than bonds.

Traditionally, the safety counter weight to shares in an investment portfolio has been bonds, with the safest option considered to be the top investment grade country's debt - as these are least likely to default.

The good news for British investors is that UK gilts, as the government's debt is known, fit into the top quality bracket. The problem is that years of record low interest rates and central bank quantitative easing that bought up these bonds has pushed their price to historic highs and the yield they may to all-time lows.

There is now a question in many investors minds as to how safe bonds really are. It is worth doing your own research on this subject and deciding whether the return bonds offer is worth taking over the interest paid on the best cash accounts.

Lars Kroijer, author of Investing Demystified, says investors must think of top quality government bonds as their 'minimal risk asset'.

'If you want to take absolutely no risk with your investments that's what you buy. Most people should at least take some risk and with that you buy the equity markets and then you combine this two things according to your risk profile.'

Hold some cash to protect yourself

Moving a portion of your investments into cash can be a good low-risk and short-term solution for investors.

You forgo potential gains but it shields your money against a reduction in value when stock markets do fall, while providing ammunition to buy in at knockdown prices.

The problem with cash is it generally offers a low return compared to other investments.

To put this into context, an investment of £100 in the UK stock market in 1945 would have been worth £179,695 by 2015 with dividends reinvested, compared to £6,261 if saved in cash, according to the Barclays Equity Gilt study.

The real value of cash returns has been eroded here in the UK because of rising inflation. The recent hike 0.25 per cent in interest rates to 0.5 per cent offers little respite.

Keeping money in cash gives you a buffer for use on rainy days - like when you need to shelli out to repair a broken boiler

The difficulty for investors is weighing up the opportunity cost of holding a cash reserve when it could be out there working harder for you.

The actual amount you should hold in cash depends on your attitude to risk - and you should also look at your wealth as a whole here. Behavioural economist Richard Thaler has spoken about how people tend to think of their money in pots or baskets and we can tend to do this with investments.

So you might think that you have an investment portfolio worth £50,000 because that is what is in your Isa, but you may also have a pension invested, cash savings and Premium Bonds. Look at your asset allocation across all of these.

Adrian Lowcock, investment director at multi-manager investment firm Architas, said: 'The way I would look at it is having some cash is an essential part of a diversified portfolio strategy and forms part of plan A already.

'Cash is a useful tool to manage cash flow so having between three and six months' salary in cash for spending and emergencies make sense in case you find yourself out of a job.

'In retirement this could rise to between one and three years' expected income. The reason for this is during retirement the volatility of markets can have a significant and detrimental effect on your retirement income because retires are taking money out of their pot and not adding to it.'


Selling at a time when prices are falling is easier said than done. Many investors are guilty of holding onto waning stocks in hope of a bounce-back, but this is not always forthcoming.

Those struggling to identify when exactly they should sell their dwindling shares should try the 'overnight test', according to Brian Dennehy, managing director of investment research firm Fund Expert.

For this, you have to assume that someone sold all your investments overnight without your knowledge and deposited the sum into a cash account. You can use the money to re-build the portfolio you had, or make some changes.

If you opt for the latter, ask yourself why aren't you making those changes now.

When to trigger your Plan B

It is difficult to know when exactly to initiate a plan B strategy, although whenever you are getting worried is a good time to look at it.

Investors need to be clear on whether their portfolio is doing badly because markets are down, or because they have picked poor funds, sectors or regions, said MacKay.

Ask yourself whether this is just part of the bumpy ride or if there's a bigger problem, she advises. 'One of the biggest reasons that hobbyist investors underperform is because they can't resist the urge to tinker.'

It is good practice to check out research from renowned investment experts to help guide your view before making any adjustments to your portfolio.

Before triggering your plan B, you need to be clear on whether their portfolio is doing badly because markets are down, or because you have picked poor investments

A solid plan A is a good plan B

For Ben Kumar, investment manager at Seven Investment Management, having a range of funds investing across different asset classes in the portfolios he manages means he is hedged against market downturns.

He said the results of numerous stress tests on the portfolios run by the wealth manager revealed that should the FTSE 100 fall by between 15 and 20 per cent, they would only capture between 4 and 8 per cent of the downturn - because of diversification.

To further shield his portfolios from adverse market conditions, Kumar said he has purchased put options - where an option to sell assets at an agreed price on or before a specified date - because they have been cheap to buy in recent history.

He said 'You don't need a plan B if your plan A is up to scratch.

'If you are a long term investor, you do not need to worry about short term movements.

'Sticking to your plans and not tinkering with your portfolio with ever movement in the markets is actually quite important.

'The danger with having a hard trigger finger is markets are not efficient, so there are occasions where they will move violently one way then snap back. The reactions of the UK markets following the Brexit vote is a good example of this.

'It is about knowing what your investment goals are, what your time horizon is and your appetite to risk. This should be at the forefront of any investor's mind.'

How investors can protect against a market crash

It's been a decent year for investors and major stock markets around the world are trading near record highs.

Things may continue to go up, but it always pays to have a Plan B just in case shares take a tumble.

Simon Lambert, of This is Money, explains how you can build a disaster plan into your portfolio.

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Where To Put Your Money Before The Market Crashes 2017


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